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Sense of Place
places, non-places

About the Project

“Place is irrelevant of address or co-ordinates but rather that a place is one persons attachment to a place be it socially, emotionally and culturally. When these emotions come in to play a location is turned into a place.”

Yi-Fu Tuan

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The Challenge

Sense can be defined as one’s attachment to a place topophilia (Greek topos “place” and -philia, “love of”) – strong sense of place, often related to the concept of returning home.

“It’s about things being disconnected and looking for moments of connection. There are so many moments in life when people don’t say what they mean, when they are just missing each other, waiting to run into each other in a hallway.”

Lost in translation

“… The intimacies of personal
encounters with space produce
“a sense of place…People think that geography is about capitals, land forms, and so on…but it is also about place— its emotional tone, social meaning, and generative potential.”


Written, Directed